Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aim of this project

The aim of this project is to create a stable and as neat as possible fully submerged oil cooled computer.
But that's not all, instead of running the hot oil through a radiator we are going to install a phase changing cooling system (refrigeration system) to cool the oil below ambient air temperature.
Instead of using a horse laxative like others have done we have decided to take it to the next level and use transformer oil because of its excellent low temperature performance and of course of it's electric insulating properties.
Transformer oil is a mineral oil used for transformers and rectifiers in for example aluminum plants.
We are using Shell Diala oil DX. For more information see the link on the right.

You can buy a DIY kit from Puget Systems. This photo is of their V3 kit
that you can purchase here


  1. This is a really interesting idea guys. I'd love try this out myself someday.
    Could you clarify the aim a little for me?
    Just wondering if your aim is to create a system that will be just stable, or do you mean stable while overclocked?

  2. Tell me what you think about my project idea...

    1. Use rackmount chassis on it's back so you can slide the whole pc in and out of the oil on the rails.

    2. HDDs are usually at the front of a rackmount chassis anyways so just have to fill the case/tank up to that point so they dont go under.

    3. A metal case instead of glass. Or maybe just have the front panel in acrylic? Less failure points. I'm also more interested in longevity of the system rather than looking at it all the time.

    4. AC Power point permanently attached to the bottom of the oil filled case so that when the PC is in the submerged state there's power but gets disconnected when pulled up.

    5. I'm not great with refrigeration units so I'll probably use a
    Cooler Express Evaporator CPU / GPU
    using the CPU cooling head as standard and the GPU cooling head to cool the mineral oil.

    Any more ideas?

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